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Video Journalism: What Types Are the Most Efficient?


Are you interested in video journalism? We are going to come through the most wise thoughts of Bob Calver, who is a senior journalism lecturer. His advice will help you make your work more productive and interesting to the target audience.

Let’s categorize video journalism into four different types and see the difference between them:

Moving pictures

Do you remember an episode in Harry Potter where the images in the newspaper start getting animated in a magic way? You can do the same in your presentation by adding a video effect to your text story.

Video diary

When you have a video blog, you or your guest should speak into the camera. You can express your bright experiences, opinions, and thoughts. Nowadays, such a format is very popular and thousands of people follow such video blogs.

Edited narrative

This format is very common for a television documentary. The only difference is the length. This one is much shorter. You can take your video camera and go outside to speak to people. Such short live interviews give excellent results.

TV show

It is one of the most common types of video journalism. It is very efficient for advertising purposes.Many sales departments use this type of online journalism to increase sales and brand recognition. 

When Does It Make Sense To Turn To the Camera?

As a journalist, you should better carry a video camera with you and switch it on every time you feel it will add value to your campaign. Sometimes, the moving images can contribute much more and can’t be replaced by anything else. Some interviews can be presented in print or audio forms and give excellent results. However, if the face of the interviewee is very expressive and interesting to watch, it will be better to record a video interview. For example, if you deal with celebrities or politicians, visual tools give better results for your promotional campaign.

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When you start filming, you should develop your creative approach. When you start filming, the most important thing is to make people interested. Remember that around 80% of all the information you deliver your viewers will get from the images and not from the words. You should focus on filming essential movements, which catch people’s attention.

It is essential to have a good stock of video recordings and eye-catching images to cover your brand story in a creative way. We all hate to see TV stories with repeating stories. If you do not have something exclusive to show to your viewers, do not even start a video presentation of your story.

How To Get the Blog Effect?

We have to admit that blogs impact video journalism enormously. Every journalist becomes one of the ingredients of the brand story. Modern journalism is all about communication with the people. If you want to achieve good results in video journalism, you have to pay attention to signals.