Home » How To » How to Apply Nativity Certificate Online in Tamilnadu | Step By Step Guide

How to Apply Nativity Certificate Online in Tamilnadu | Step By Step Guide

Are you spending money to get a nativity certificate in the local VAO(Village Administrator Office) then don’t worry! hereafter, you don’t need to spend money to apply nativity certificate because now you can able to apply nativity certificate online just for Rs.60.

In this article, I am going to teach “How to apply nativity certificate online in Tamilnadu”. Before that let me explain “What is a nativity certificate?”.

What is Nativity Certificate?

Nativity Certificate is official proof from the state government to prove your nativity. Tamilnadu government created the Tnesevai centers and provide an online facility to apply for all state government-related certificates without giving bribe.

Apply Nativity Certificate Online in Tamilnadu

Before proceeding, I want to let you know one thing that is you need to have an account on the Tnesevai website and you need to have a CAN number.

Once you have successfully registered an account on the Tnesevai website then login to the Tnesevai website. The webpage will look like the below image.

tnesevai login

On the Tnesevai website dashboard, click the “Revenue Department” link.

revenue department

The website will list out all certificates available under the Revenue Department. Now you have to click the “REV-102 Nativity Certificate” option.

apply nativity certificate

Now you will be redirected to the instructions page where you have to read out the instructions carefully and click the proceed button.

nativity certificate instructions

The next step is you have to search your existing CAN number using your registered mobile number. If you don’t have a CAN number then you can register a new one by clicking the “Register CAN” button.

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register can or search can number

Finally, you will be redirected to nativity application form where you have to fill the below details. Actually there are two options available to get nativity certificate. Those are,

  • Nativity By Birth
  • Nativity By Residence

If you are living in the birth place then choose the “Nativity By Birth” option. You don’t have to fill-up any other additional details for Nativity By Birth option because all the required details are filled up automatically with the help of CAN number.

If you are living in any other place then you have to choose “Nativity By Residence” option. For this option, you have to fill up the current and old residence address.

nativity by residence

Finally, submit the application by clicking the “Submit” button. You will be redirected to the page where you have to upload the required documents such as,

  • Photo
  • Any Address Proof
  • Birth Certificate
  • Self-Declaration of Applicant

If you are living in the birth place then above documents are enough but if you are lividing in the residential place then you have to upload this document “School Education Certificate or Employment Details or other proof to prove continuous residence of 5 years“.

nativity certificate required documents

Final Words

Finally, make the payment of Rs.60 using credit/debit card or using netbanking. You will get an acknowledgment receipt. With the help of acknowledgment number, you can able to track the status of your application. If you have any queries regarding this article then ask your queries on the comment section.